Bow Rehair & Restoration in Slapton Devon, Cornwall and the South West
All bow rehairs, whether a student bow or the finest example of a French master’s work, are treated with the same care and attention to achieve the highest standards of performance whilst giving maximum confidence to the musician.
Each bow is inspected for any existing problems, such as a split tip face or stick, a warp or camber problem or a worn thumb grip. The client is always advised prior to the start of any further work that may be needed.
The quality of the work has been exemplary in all respects, and throughout the process Paul kept me fully informed both verbally and through numerous photographs of the progress of the work. Read More
The bow rehair process begins with the careful cleaning of the stick to remove old rosin deposits, which restores the natural luster and appearance of the Pernambuco stick. All the metal parts, including under the frog, receive a careful clean and a slight polish to remove any debris and tarnish. This being done, the strength of the stick is assessed and rehaired accordingly to produce a uniform ribbon of hair. We use only the finest natural white, unbleached hair.
We carry out all major and minor repairs to bows including silver and gold work when needed.
Vernon Violins can fit in with the individuals schedule and bows can be rehaired the same day, bows for this service to be with us no later than 11am. Express bow rehairs can be ready for collection within two hours, by appointment please. For this service you can enjoy a coffee or lunch in Slapton’s Queens Arms opposite the workshop or take the opportunity to spend a little time on Slapton Sands or walk through the outstanding Slapton Ley (for more information click here)